Re: Embedded form 2.0 - need it to call an exteranl script on submit

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Embedded form 2.0 - need it to call an exteranl script on submit

Looking for the JS guru's out there.  I have the standard embed code for a Forms 2.0 script on a webpage, but I have a rather long validation script to look for fake/temp. email addresses.  I need the embed script to also call to my external script when the "submit" button is clicked.

Any ideas?
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Re: Embedded form 2.0 - need it to call an exteranl script on submit

Use the onValidate handler as in the Forms 2.0 API docs.

<script src="//"></script>
<form id="mktoForm_96"></form>
<script>MktoForms2.loadForm("//", "AAA-BBB-CCC, 96,
    function(form) {   
    // I'm checking a sample condition - this is where you'd call your external validation script
    if(form.vals().LastName != "Go For It"){
      //prevent form submission
      console.log('setting unsubmittable (submit step will not run) - try again');
      //enable submission for those who met the criteria.
      console.log('setting submittable (submit step will run next)');

Running here.