Re: embed blog rss feed in email

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embed blog rss feed in email

Our blog is hosted on another platform but we send email from Marketo. Does anyone know if there is any way to insert our latest blog post into a Marketo email?

I've seen this feature in ExactTarget using ampscript for example, but haven't found anything in Marketo. Thanks in advance!
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Level 10 - Champion Alumni

Re: embed blog rss feed in email


the RSS to Email is not yet available. I believe it is an Idea, so be sure to vote for it.

You can do the manual version or continue to use ExactTarget or Mailchimp if you need the auto send capability.
Not applicable

Re: embed blog rss feed in email

You can use the SOAP APIs to create emails out of Blog feeds.  If you subscribe to the Marketo blog at, this is exactly what the Marketing team does.  

I can even share code to those who are really interested in doing this.
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Re: embed blog rss feed in email

Raj, thanks for the offer! I would love to take you up on it if you've got some time to explain this a bit further. There's an "Idea" with a whole lot of commenting going on so maybe we should pull together a webinar or something? Either way I'm eager to get this going and happy to put in a bit of API work if it's not over my head.
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Re: embed blog rss feed in email

All the code you need is in  It uses the ROME library to fetch RSS and Atom feeds.  The info is then put into an email using the token override feature of scheduleCampaign() SOAP function (

If you have dev folks on your staff, I think they can put this together in a day or so.
Level 3

Re: embed blog rss feed in email

HI Raj, 

Thanks for sharing this. I'm assuming that your code is hosted outside of Marketo, right? 

I have a developper that is ready to tackle this. I was wondering if you could be available for a super quick chat to get him strated on the right track. 


Level 3

Re: embed blog rss feed in email

@Jeff, we currently work with a Marketo client to build an application to pull RSS feeds and push the information to a Marketo program and therefore send automatically an email with any blog content.

Do you still need a solution similar solution? Would be happy to get your feedback on what we are doing and see if that could also help you. Please reach out to me ( if you are interested.
Level 10

Re: embed blog rss feed in email

@raj will this code work for non blog RSS feed?  The RSS Feed that we want to integrate with Marketo are at least 7 feeds that gets delivered once a day. 
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Re: embed blog rss feed in email

Yes, it will work on any RSS/Atom feeds.  You should consider using Yahoo pipes ( to combine all 7 into a single feed and pump that into the email.
Level 10

Re: embed blog rss feed in email

@raj, actually we have to keep them separate because each 7 feeds are of specific interest to a particular group.  So we don't have a developer in house and I'm wondering if I might be able to work with you or someone from support to make this work.  Our other option is to use another email delivery tool and I really just want to stick to using Marketo, create the program for it, and sync it to SFDC, so our CEO can track the membership growth.