Well, couldn't hurt I guess. I appreciate your help by the way.
I'm not seeing any way to attach a file, so I'll just add the text.
#set($date = ${Property__cList.get(0).CCAO_Sales_Date__c})
#set($year = $date.substring(0, 4))
#set($occstatus = ${Property__cList.get(0).Occupancy__c})
#if (!${Property__cList.get(0).Occupancy__c})
#if (!${Property__cList.get(0).CCAO_Sales_Date__c})
#set($year = "unknown")
#set($address = ${Property__cList.get(0).Name})
#set($url = "address=${address}&occstatus=$occstatus&year=$year")
So the Velocity token isn't outputting an <a> tag. That's a requirement. Can't just output a URL. Or are you not showing me the whole VTL?
That's the whole token. But the <A> tag is in the email link.
The email has a hyperlink object in it. If you go to edit an email draft, you can click on the link button (looks like a chain link), and add the url.
http://{{my.UpdatePropertyTaxRecordLink}} is the url.
If you click the HTML button, you can see the html, which is:
<table style="align: center; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; border: 0; padding: 0px;" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
<td style="font-size: 14px; font-family: 'Raleway',Arial,sans-serif; background-color: #cb6318; color: #ffffff; padding: 12px 18px 12px 18px; border: 1px solid black;"><a href="http://{{my.UpdatePropertyTaxRecordLink}}" style="color: inherit; text-decoration: none; display: block;" target="_blank"><span color="#FFFFFF" style="color: #ffffff;">Update property tax record</span></a></td>
To repeat: you must output a fully-formed <A> tag from your Velocity token.
You can't merely output a URL and interpolate that an <A> tag in the email. This isn't flexible: it's a documented requirement that you aren't following. Fix that, test again.
If you don't understand what I'm saying, I'll try to rephrase.
I understand what you're saying an I'll try that. I didn't see that in the documentation though, and it is strange to me that a link object is available if it shouldn't be used.
Ok. I was misunderstanding from earlier and thought I *couldn't* have the http:// in the velocity token. But that's not the case. I think.
Ok. I was misunderstanding from earlier and thought I *couldn't* have the http:// in the velocity token. But that's not the case. I think.
Correct, it's the opposite: you must have not only the protocol but the entire <A> come from Velocity.
So far it's working, in that I see the mkt token id in the url on the landing page.
The query values are there. The mkto token is there. Clicking on the link goes to the landing page correctly.
I'll play around with it to see if the trigger works too. This is all set up in a test campaign right now so I don't mess up the live campaign.
Thanks. I appreciate all your help
OK, when you've confirmed it please mark one of my answers as correct (maybe the most recent one).
Will do
It works! Awesome! Thanks Sanford.