I have an email variable specified in my email template. For some reason, the variable is not showing as editable in the email editor though the default image I have specified for it is showing up in the template. Can anyone spot what I've done wrong? The variable is called "backgroundImage".
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<p><span style="font-size:36px;">The Latest Forecasting Trends</span><br>
with Chris Fry</p>
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<p>Mauris faucibus dui purus, at tempus nulla consectetur at. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Donec a nunc in ex accumsan rutrum eu ut orci. Donec volutpat metus eu consectetur dapibus. Vivamus congue magna id metus semper blandit. Integer eget mauris quis metus bibendum facilisis sit amet ut nisl. Maecenas a sem metus. Sed scelerisque et turpis sit amet ornare. Aenean ac massa lectus. Donec dignissim lectus sed ex tincidunt tristique. Curabitur scelerisque sollicitudin dolor.</p>
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<span style="color:#ffffff">Click the Button!</span>
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<!-- FOOTER -->
<td bgcolor="#595959" align="center">
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Email footer snippet goes here
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Solved! Go to Solution.
I think you are just looking in the wrong place, it's under Global Variables at the bottom right:
HI Damon,
First (obvious) check: are you sure you have enabled editor v2 ?
The code seem OK, at first glance.
Might need to log a support ticket.
Oh my gosh, Frank. You are completely right. Two hours of troubleshooting and it was just me not seeing that down to the lower right... 🙂
Thanks so much for your help!