Email Performance report vs Smart List for delivered emails

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Email Performance report vs Smart List for delivered emails

Hey all,

Does anyone know the difference in how an Email Performance reports counts email sends vs how a smart list counts emails received?

I have an Email Performance report that shows 102 Sent. Is it safe to assume that this means Marketo sent said email to 102 people?

I then pulled a smart list with the filter "Was Sent Email" with said email and it resulted in 109 people.

The date setup/filters are the same in both methods. Would anyone be able to help me understand the discrepancy?


Level 10 - Champion Alumni

Re: Email Performance report vs Smart List for delivered emails

There are several threads on this, please do a search.

Please keep in mind to refresh your list and report because some leads may be Pending. Generally the total Sent will be the same, however, Clicks and Opens may differ for a variety of reasons.

  • spam filters clicking links and opening
  • image blockers
  • people who click several times vs. # of people who clicked at least once.
Level 10

Re: Email Performance report vs Smart List for delivered emails

And also because Marketo is reporting Opens when the person clicks, event if the open event is not logged into the activity log (meaning the pixel tracking has not been downloaded). In this case the Number of opens in reports is higher than what the "Opened email" smart list shows.
