Email Insights? Does anyone else feel this is completely non-intuitive?

Level 10 - Champion Alumni

Re: Email Insights? Does anyone else feel this is completely non-intuitive?

Ugh, we're having a problem with spam filters catching clicks right now. And sometimes they click 5 times in a row, which is enough points to make them MQL!

Amy Goldfine
Marketo Champion & Adobe Community Advisor
Level 5

Re: Email Insights? Does anyone else feel this is completely non-intuitive?

Switching to tracking web visits instead of clicks worked wonders for us with MQL's. The number of MQL's sent to sales decreased by about 10% YOY, but the pipeline and revenue coming from them increased by a good 20% YOY. 

Level 10 - Champion Alumni

Re: Email Insights? Does anyone else feel this is completely non-intuitive?

How do you set that up in your lead scoring?

On Wed, Jan 31, 2018 at 5:28 AM Lucho Soto <>

Amy Goldfine
Marketo Champion & Adobe Community Advisor
Level 5

Re: Email Insights? Does anyone else feel this is completely non-intuitive?

We have UTM codes on all of our emails where utm_medium=email. So you can have smart campaign with a trigger that says Visits Web Page = any, and Querystring contains utm_medium=email. Alternatively, you can use the Referrer filter under Visits Web Page = any and enter your email branding domain instead.

One potential downside is that this will only track web visits to pages where your Munchkin code is installed, so it won't catch email clicks to external web pages. That's not an issue for us but I wanted to point it out.

Level 5

Re: Email Insights? Does anyone else feel this is completely non-intuitive?

You can also restrain the filter by the number of visits - that way you can score people based on how many pages they visit rather than just one visit. You can also certain exclude web pages from being scored i.e. Career pages, support pages. We also scored higher for specific pages that we wanted people to be on or that showed higher levels of interest, i.e. pricing pages. 

We used this in an overall lead scoring strategy, not just tied to email clicks. But you definitely could restrain based on the comments Lucho had above if you want to limit it to email clicks (I wish I had thought of that before!). If it were me, I would probably do both! Each thing shows different levels of engagement and you would likely want to weight them differently.

Level 10

Re: Email Insights? Does anyone else feel this is completely non-intuitive?

Maybe the strategic agreement that Marketo has signed will Google will one day turn into the possibility to use Google 360 as a reporting and dashboarding front end for Marketo...


Level 5

Re: Email Insights? Does anyone else feel this is completely non-intuitive?

Valerie Whiting​ completely agree! I definitely recommend creating a smart campaign for each relevant activity you want to score (such as email click, product page visit, click on online ad, contact sales page visit, etc.) so that you can be as specific as you want with the scoring for each. Logging these activities as interesting moments is also helpful so that you can pass the "last interesting moment" information on to the sales team when they receive an MQL alert.

We also score people based on demographics when they enter the system for the first time (role, company size, etc.) so that their lead score is a combination of behavior and demographic characteristics.