Email 2.0 Editor start to act strange

Email 2.0 Editor start to act strange

Am I the only one who see the email 2.0 Editor act strangely since a few days?

I'll give you an example. On email templates coded by us (me) and working perfectly, tested and delivered to our clients, approved by them, and using local or global variables depending on the needs, I see these problems now. When changing a local variable in a module, then going to another module using the same local variable, the value is set to the same value I just change in the previous module. In this screenshot, I center the Text module with the Align pick list, then I click on the Title module and the Align pick list is set to center when the default value is Left.

If I refresh the page it comes back to normal. That seem to happen with all the variables and it was working correctly before. I test many templates that were working correctly before, they all seems to have that problem now.

Support tell me that they see the problem, but I need to talk to our developer because they don't support coding. But I am the developer and it was working correctly before... I try to explain them that but did not hear back since yesterday... Honestly, that make no sense that suddenly my code is not working anymore...

Thanks for your input!


Level 10

Re: Email 2.0 Editor start to act strange

Bonjour Eric,

Please move this question to Products  where it belongs. Champion Program is for question about the program itself.

in products, more people will see it an be likely to answer.

We sometimes have these types of unstability issues with the editor, but since the latest release, it seems to get better.


Level 10

Re: Email 2.0 Editor start to act strange

You should try to replicate the issue with one of the Marketo own templates.


Re: Email 2.0 Editor start to act strange

Hi Greg,

I did and get the same result. I send my tests to support and they are investigating the problem now.



Level 6

Re: Email 2.0 Editor start to act strange

Could you send a screen shot of the code so that we can see what is happening on the back end? It could be an issue with the meta tags or the style may not be assigned to text-align html style. Now if you are just using align="center" as the code that could be the issue as well. There could be other coding issues as well. Marketo generally doesn't help with coding or user related issues, but I totally understand your frustration.

Re: Email 2.0 Editor start to act strange

Hi Éric,

Support is looking at it. Like I was thinking it seems to be an UI problem because it happens with any of my variables on any template that was working correctly before.

I'm still waiting for support to come back to me, I'll keep you posted.


Re: Email 2.0 Editor start to act strange

Marketo Support just answers me, it seems it's a UI problem like I was thinking, they will continue to investigate.

Here is the answer from support:

Hello Éric,

My name is Clinton and I'll be assisting your team further with this case. After reviewing the email asset and testing this out in both my staging instance by clone the provided example email, I found that this looks to be a UI bug when navigating from one Module to another. When I tested this out I found that it only seems to be happening to local variables and not global variables. For the color changes, it isn't update the color code for what is being used, but a UI issue for the color wheel.

At this time I am filing a ticket with our escalation engineers to have this issue investigated further. I'll let you know if we may need any additional information from your team and I will provide updates as they become available throughout the process of the escalation. Thank you for your patience while we continue to investigate the issue.


Clinton Moore

I'll keep you posted,
