I'm coding a email template but I keep reproducing an issue that I haven't had luck sorting out the cause of though I have resolved it in some way once or twice over the past week or two.
Below is my source code. I removed a number of modules for brevity, but this is reproducing my issue.
Let me know if there are any more details I can provide.
Thank you in advance for the help!
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<b> ${subHeadlineText} </b>
</center> </td>
edit: 2021-12-30 in the AM - spelling and code change
Solved! Go to Solution.
I find that to be the case quite often. I don't even attempt to send samples from the template editor.
I'll keep the template open whilst editing, and in a separate tab have access to the the marketing activities where I'll have a test email. If all I am doing is editing modules, you can:
If you are doing major changes to the template itself, this process doesn't work so well, but for new modules or tweaks to existing ones it works fine
are you talking about sending a sample email from the template editor, or when you create an email from this template?
Hi @Jo_Pitts1 ,
Thanks for the response.
This is using the Send Sample Email feature from the template editor menu.
I tried out "Send Sample" via the email editor (instead of the template editor). Those emails are correct when viewed in an email client! This looks like it could be a workaround if needed for the time, though a little inconvenient. 😤
...perhaps I'm jumping ahead, but maybe this is more of a Marketo Support ticket, seems like it could be something specific with the template editor? ...which I have few other gripes about already.
@SanfordWhiteman wrote:
You need to think of your template as more like “source code“ only, and your emails as the compiled code + data.
Good point, thanks.
I find that to be the case quite often. I don't even attempt to send samples from the template editor.
I'll keep the template open whilst editing, and in a separate tab have access to the the marketing activities where I'll have a test email. If all I am doing is editing modules, you can:
If you are doing major changes to the template itself, this process doesn't work so well, but for new modules or tweaks to existing ones it works fine
Thanks for your help.
...yeah, I've been doing a similar tab workflow.
Cheers -- have a Happy New Year!