Easy way to see on avg how many emails a lead receives per month?

Level 5

Easy way to see on avg how many emails a lead receives per month?

I know there are different ways to go about pulling this data, but it  is always a very manual process for me,  which make me believe there must be a simpler way to get this info.

Does anyone keep track of this data, and if so what's the best report to use?

Appreciate the help on this!

Level 10

Re: Easy way to see on avg how many emails a lead receives per month?

Hi Alexis,

If you're looking for info on a specific lead, then the activity history would be the best place to find that.  You can filter it by Email activity.

If you're looking for a more general count, I would suggest putting together a couple smart lists that you could then subscribe to.  The smart lists would be Was Sent Email > Is Any, and then a constraint for Minimum Number Of Times, and Date Of Activity > in past 30 days.  One list could have all those that received one email, then a list for those that got two, and one for three, etc.

Email reports are going to focus more on how many emails were sent, not necessarily how many were sent to a specific lead.


Level 10

Re: Easy way to see on avg how many emails a lead receives per month?

Hi Alexis,

No really easy way. The other, non simple, possibility would be to extract the "email sent" activities through the APIs and count them, the divide by the number of leads whio received at least 1 email.


Level 10 - Champion Alumni

Re: Easy way to see on avg how many emails a lead receives per month?

If you have RCE, you may be able to do this with the Lead Analysis + Email Report.

Level 5

Re: Easy way to see on avg how many emails a lead receives per month?

Thanks all. John Clark​, since we don't have RCE, I think subscribing to smartlists as you suggested is great idea.

Level 8 - Champion Alumni

Re: Easy way to see on avg how many emails a lead receives per month?

I find that the best way to get this type of data is employ the method described in this blog Fun With Data: Count the Number of Form Fills

Create a series of smart lists 1. Received 1 email in the past month; 2. Received 2 emails in the past month, and so on, and then do the math in excel.

Not the most elegant way, but proved to be the most reliable in my experience

Level 2

Re: Easy way to see on avg how many emails a lead receives per month?

Ya I agree with Iryna,

I am assuming you are asking this question to make sure you aren't spamming anyone in a specific segment or region.  I use a similar set of smart lists along with communication limits to get a good view of any trends that I need to be aware of for email sends, and to ensure I'm not 'over emailing' anyone.