Hi Marketo community.
Curious if there is a way to add dynamic content per user by their username (www.oursite.com/{{dynamic username content}} )
Is this possible? Let me know!
Please move the question to Products to continue ("Central" is for general marketing topics, not Marketo product-specific support.)
Hi Julie
The word "user" you used in your question is somewhat confusing, I assume you meant lead, right? And when you say "content", is it Landing Page content, email content or something else?
Seconding Boris's questions.
Also signaling that you may be talking about pURLs, which don't use the "username" per se but the Marketo Unique Code or Marketo Unique Name (the latter is derived from the lead's first and/or last name, though it's guaranteed unique by the addition of numbers at the end).
The resulting URLs are like http://pages.example.com/whit001. Note http://www.example.com (which you put in your post) which is typically your corporate website, not your Marketo LP site. pURLs only apply to Marketo-hosted LPs.
This is for an email. Imagine it functioning like a twitter email- the CTA might take you to your own profile page. So what I would want is something like a link that would go to someone's personalized page- www.twitter.com/{twitter handle}.
The handle of the recipient, or the handle of someone assigned to the recipient, like the lead owner?
Either way, if you're just talking about including a token in a 3rd-party URL, append {{lead.Marketo Social Twitter Id}} or {{lead.Lead Owner Twitter ID}} -- whatever the field name is -- to the URL. This is a standard use case for {{lead.tokens}}.
Not the lead owner, the handle of the recipient. When I try to add a token
to my HTML, I get a broken link. I'll keep trying!
On Thu, May 25, 2017 at 9:14 PM, Sanford Whiteman <
This is pretty standard stuff and most everyone has used a link like http://{{lead.link}} or http://www.example.com?{{my.utm_params}}.
If you provide an exact example (screenshot to start) of what you're trying to do, and what exactly you mean by "broken link," we can try to help further.