This might help:
The first function will pull down the value of any URL parameter you request.
function getUrlParameter(sParam)
var sURLVariables = sPageURL.split('&');
for (var i = 0; i < sURLVariables.length; i++)
var sParameterName = sURLVariables[i].split('=');
if (sParameterName[0].toLowerCase() == sParam.toLowerCase())
return sParameterName[1];
return "";
var company = decodeURI(getUrlParameter("company")); //*this removes the HTML codes
function getCompanyLogo(compName) {
var image="";
if (/[?&]campaignID=/.test(location.href) == false) { //*this tests to see if the parameter exists
image = ""; //*use default image
} else {
if (compName== "company1") {
image = "";
} else {
if(compName== "company2") {
image = "";
} else {
} //*close company name loop
} //*close top level test
return image; //*sends back the correct URL
var image = document.createElement("img"); //*create an image DOM
image.setAttribute("src", getCompanyLogo(company)); //*Set the image as the URL selected
document.getElementById("your-empty-div").appendChild(image); //*Put the image in the DIV
Robb, you don't need any JS for a dynamic (temporary) segmentation. The URL is parsed on the server.
(Also, that JS will break on some well-formed URLs, but that's another issue.)
Is it possible to show a form in a landing page that will be changed to different languages according to the URL? For example, if the user has
He will be shown the form in English or if the user has he will see the same form in Spanish.
Thank you.
The question is more about whether a single form can dynamically change languages at all. And the answer is: it can't, unless you use the Forms API (we've done this to create a single internationalized form, but it's not simple).
If you have multiple forms (different Form IDs) already separated by language, then Yes: that can be part of Dynamic Content and in turn can be selected by passing ?{Segmentation}={Segment} in the URL.