Drift - Custom Activities and Triggering Campaign Flows

Level 2

Drift - Custom Activities and Triggering Campaign Flows

Hello everyone, 

We are in the process of integrating Drift live chat to our Marketo instance, but we're struggling getting direction on how we should be using the custom activities we created in Marketo in relation to the data coming from Drift and how that info should be used in our smart campaigns to trigger other activities. 

We went through and created the "New Meeting Activity" and "New Conversation Activity" in Marketo, and we've mapped those entities to the fields in Drift. We're to the point of leads who for example book a meeting with one of our reps while they are offline are synced to our Drift campaign, but they are not triggering our smart campaigns that look for the specific "Drift Lead Stage" being sent over. 

If anyone has any insights into how they set up their smart campaigns in Marketo in relation to info coming from Drift, we'd much appreciate it! Please let me know of any clarifying questions. 

Thank you!


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Level 10 - Community Advisor + Adobe Champion

Re: Drift - Custom Activities and Triggering Campaign Flows

I'm sure you would have followed Marketo Integration - New Meeting Activity and New Conversation Activity documentation pages available on the drift while setting these up. Are you seeing the activities for each getting created in Marketo?


Also, you'd need to use the custom activity triggers and/or filters in your campaign to look for the respective activity records added by the drift. Can you please share your campaign SL so we can get more idea as to why your campaign is not getting triggered?


Level 2

Re: Drift - Custom Activities and Triggering Campaign Flows

Hi Darshil, 

Thank you for jumping in here. I actually started from a blank slate yesterday and worked through both of those documents for "New Meeting Activity" and "New Conversation Activity" and had our contact at Drift run through a sample test for us. 

Their test lead synced over to our connected program in Marketo with no issue, but now I'm trying to understand based on those data points, what to use to trigger our smart campaigns. 

The "New Drift Meeting" activity on their activity record shows the "Meeting URL" and a long URL string from Outlook (how our sales org connects their calendars into Drift).

I'm assuming those all will be unique from lead to lead when booking, so does it make sense for me to use a "contains" parameter on the trigger (seen screenshot below) or something else? I just can't find examples of how people set up their triggers and that's where I'm looking for guidance. 


Please let me know if this is helpful or if I can provide more details. 

Thank you!



Level 10 - Community Advisor + Adobe Champion

Re: Drift - Custom Activities and Triggering Campaign Flows

Yes, the Meeting URL will be unique, as that's the primary field of the custom activity. The "contains" operator should be fine as long as it is guaranteed that all the Meeting URLs will have the "https://outlook.office365.com" string (the one that you have in the contains constraint) in there. With that being said, you can also use the Meeting URL "is not empty" as Meeting URL would always be set with a valid "Meeting URL" value in each custom activity record by the Drift.


Level 4

Re: Drift - Custom Activities and Triggering Campaign Flows

Not sure if this would apply here, but maybe worth considering a trigger for "Person is Created" as well to cover any newly created leads via Drift? I am not sure if this here is a similar situation like where it will not trigger for example a Data Value Change for newly created leads.

Level 10 - Community Advisor + Adobe Champion

Re: Drift - Custom Activities and Triggering Campaign Flows

I think this does not apply here as Drift will always create a New Meeting and New Conversation CA records for new leads making their way to Marketo via Drift as well.