Do Smart List filters still apply after Wait Steps?

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Do Smart List filters still apply after Wait Steps?

If we have a Wait Step for a few hours, does it cross-check against our original Smart List filters still apply after the Wait Step has gone through?

Ex: Someone is marked as "No contact" and meets the requirements for an email. They go into an 8-hour Wait Step. After 2 hours, they are marked as "In Conversation" and would normally be blocked by Smart List filters. Will they still receive the email or will it check the filters again before sending after the Wait Step is complete?
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Re: Do Smart List filters still apply after Wait Steps?

No, if the lead enters the flow they will remain in the flow even if they no longer meet the criterea in the smart list.

You would have to add a "remove from flow" step after your wait step in order stop the current flow.

Alternatively, you could add a choice to the next steps saying, if field = "In conversation", do nothing. This will stop them from getting the email and allow the others to go through.
Level 10 - Champion Alumni

Re: Do Smart List filters still apply after Wait Steps?

You can also add a traffic cop campaign to listen for those changes and then Remove from Flow.
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Re: Do Smart List filters still apply after Wait Steps?

I think the main take away here is that nothing happens in Marketo unless you tell it to happen. The smart list may contain filters for a particular drip but marketo has no way of inherently knowing that.
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Re: Do Smart List filters still apply after Wait Steps?

Thanks guys. Josh, in your example, would the separate campaign look like this? I'd be blocking accounts where the rep changed the Stage field to stop them from receiving automated rep emails.

Smart List:

Data Trigger=Value Change to "Stage" field to anything but "No Contact"
Member of Smart Campaign (any of the rep email campaigns)


Remove from Flow (multiple choices for "Member of" specific campaign to remove from that specific campaign flow)
No default choice