Disable Modul/Lightbox Form on Website

Level 3

Disable Modul/Lightbox Form on Website

I want to know if we can prevent a Marketo pop-up form on our website from popping up if lead is already in our database?

Level 10 - Community Moderator

Re: Disable Modul/Lightbox Form on Website

Yes, and I think this was discussed in another thread very recently.

Enable Known Visitor HTML ("If Known Visitor, show Custom HTML" in Form Editor ยป Setup) and then have your KV HTML just contain a single hidden tag, like

<input type="hidden" name="knownVisitor" value="true">

Then, in a MktoForms2.whenReady listener, check to see if that hidden field exists in the <form>. If it currently exists, don't show the modal. Otherwise, initialize the modal. Note you can actually use any element, it doesn't have to be an <input>, just something identifiable and unique.

Level 3

Re: Disable Modul/Lightbox Form on Website

Thanks Sandford!