Difference between "mkto-unsubscribe" link click and "Unsubscribe" metric numbers

Level 1

Difference between "mkto-unsubscribe" link click and "Unsubscribe" metric numbers

After data download from Marketo, I have noticed that "mkto-unsubscribe" link clicks are much more higher than the "Unsubscribe" metric numbers, I want to understand which is the correct unsubscribe number and what is the difference between these two.

Level 5

Re: Difference between "mkto-unsubscribe" link click and "Unsubscribe" metric numbers

Are you considering just clicking on the link as unsubscribe? or some has to confirm to unsubscribe from your email? number of clicks are more because of the bots clicking on all the links in your email.

Abhishek Chandra
Level 10 - Community Moderator

Re: Difference between "mkto-unsubscribe" link click and "Unsubscribe" metric numbers

They're both "correct" - they measure different things.

Clicking the link doesn't mean you submitted the form, and mail scanners pre-click every link in your email, so there doesn't have to be a human involved at all.  

And filling out the form isn't the only way to Unsubscribe. There's also the List-Unsubscribe angle (the "Unsubscribe" button offered in email clients sends an email to the List-Unsub address under the hood, no form is used).

Level 1

Re: Difference between "mkto-unsubscribe" link click and "Unsubscribe" metric numbers

Thank you, it makes sense. so just to reconfirm, Unsubscribe metric numbers are consolidated numbers from all the "Unsubscribe" platforms/options, correct?

Level 10 - Community Moderator

Re: Difference between "mkto-unsubscribe" link click and "Unsubscribe" metric numbers
