Device type: "Other"

Level 3

Device type: "Other"

Hi all,

I made a Marketo Insights report with breakdown by "Device Type", and aside from Desktop, Mobile, Tablet and Unknown, there's a mysterious category named "Other", ad it's the biggest one in the chart. It's almost as big as "desktop" and "mobile" together. What kind of devices could fall under "Other"? Anyone having the same situation in their reports?

Right now, I'm imagining our users reading emails from a microwave...

Level 10

Re: Device type: "Other"

To investigate this, I prefer to do it via a Smart List, bring in Opened Email (Click Link in Email works too) and set Email to Any, a Date Constraint can be added too, then add a Constraint of Device, the dropdown will be all the Devices that an email has been opened in:

Screen Shot 2017-03-22 at 18.58.02.png

You may also want to do a Platform Smart List too, bring in Opened Email (Click Link in Email works too) and set Email to Any, a Date Constraint can be added too, then add a Constraint of Platform, the dropdown will be all the Platforms that an email has been opened in:

Screen Shot 2017-03-22 at 18.51.31.png

I then create a smart lists that buckets everything into Desktop, Tablet, Mobile and Other.

These values are unique to your instance, be prepared to do some searches online for some of the devices/platforms as they may not be standard or easily recognisable.

Marketo have no documents around this from what I can see, but this is a solution I created to answer the problem.

Level 3

Re: Device type: "Other"

Thanks a lot Frank Breen​! This is exactly what I used to do before Marketo Insights became available, and it's really awesome. But when it comes to briefly showing stats to the management, I prefer to use Insights with their visual charts -- and here's where I fail to explain what is Other and why its share across our users is so big. Looks like a case for Marketo Support

Level 1

Re: Device type: "Other"

Hi Frank (or whoever else seeing this), I'm new to Marketo. Can you please explain this a little more? Do you create the Smart List in an Email Program? Or do you create a Smart List within a Report in an Email Program? When you say "I then create a smart lists that buckets everything into Desktop, Tablet, Mobile and Other" how do you do that part? And once you complete all of this, are you just looking at a list of people and you have to manually determine the count by device type, or will this actually break it down into numbers for you? Thanks for any insight. 

Level 10

Re: Device type: "Other"

Steve Schaefer​, do you have any documentation around Device Type in Email Insights?

Not applicable

Re: Device type: "Other"

The Product Docs contains a mention of device type in this document:

Scroll down to the seventh item. Is this at all helpful?

Level 3

Re: Device type: "Other"

Steve Schaefer​ Thank you for the response! I wish it explained the situation that I'm having, but it seems that the problem is different. In the FAQ, it says that information on device type / OS is not available for metrics other than engagement ones. But what I'm seeing in my instance is that the majority of Open Email events (an engagement metric) fall under "Other" device type (see screenshot below).

My only idea so far is that Marketo can't recognize the device type for "opens"; but even if that's true, why are the unrecognized events falling under "Other" and not "Unknown"? That's what I'm concerned about.
