We are tying to use Deliverability tool -> Design Previews for all our emails. We are seeing weird green background color for some of the email clients. This is normal?
How to fix this?
I've never seen that before, is the problem still happening or did you find a way to solve it?
I'm not familiar with this tool - but are you testing the email template (code) and an actual email that has been set up / rendered?
If you're testing the template itself, it's likely using some variables to control the colors. These will often show up as green in the browser or testing tools when not actually populated with a real color.
Could be something like this "color: ${color};" or "background: ${bg-color};"
I just learned this today, but its coming from the Client example and nothing that you are doing. Outdated clients can be removed since they won't be useful. It won't affect your testing.