Re: Date/Time Constraints

Level 1

Date/Time Constraints

My client, TSI, wants to have a campaign that sends depending on if an opportunity is closed. The company helps seniors move into communities and when they close a deal, they will have a "move date" for the seniors put into their CRM and populate a field in Marketo. Then, they want to have a email campaign explaining the move details to the senior. This campaign will be 3 emails updating them on their upcoming move, but sometimes when a deal is closed, the move date could be fast approaching. Therefor, we want to make sure they get the first initial email, but want to take them out of the flow if their move date is, let's say, tomorrow.


So, can I program the logic to be send first email, wait, remove flow step if their *move date field* is X amount of days away (48 hours maybe?). If I can't do it with just the fields, how may I accomplish this?

Level 10 - Community Moderator

Re: Date/Time Constraints

You don‘t need anything other than the single field, but it should be a DateTime for precision. It’s always better to have a DateTime even if you use a placeholder time (noon/midnight) at the beginning.


What have you tried, and have you read past threads here on date/datetime constraints?

Level 1

Re: Date/Time Constraints

Hi Sanford! 


I have tried to read posts about this but I didn't find anything with my specific use case. I tried playing around with the filter, but I can't figure out how to say:


If "move date" is in X amount of days, remove from flow.


They want this campaign to be triggered by opportunities being closed, therefor, this campaign is not just a one time run so I can't select a specific date. I was hoping we could have marketo recognize the current date of when the campaign is triggered and be able to say "move date is in the next 48 hours" in the remove from flow filter. 

Level 10 - Community Moderator

Re: Date/Time Constraints

Did you try this?
