I'd like to be able to datestamp an anonymous lead to record their first visit to a website, so that, down the road, after they fill out a form, we might have some idea of how long it takes between first visit and conversion.
Will the trigger Visits Web Page trigger on an anonymous visitor?
Assuming it does, this should be a simple matter - if "first visit" date field is empty, trigger on Visits Web Page (Any), and put TODAY() in the date field... presumably that will propagate to the record if/when they fill out a form down the road.
Hi David,
The "Created" field will give you the info that you are looking for.
Your problem is : Anonymous leads will be removed from Marketo with the next release. See here : Removal of "Is Anonymous" filters.And the value of this field will no longer reflect the first cookie placement.
Wouldn't Created At still show this information? They are still tracking it, just not letting us use it in the same way.
That was how I interpreted this as well, but would love to know if it's incorrect.
Hi Josh Hill and Dory Viscogliosi,
At the end of the 100 comment stream on anonymous removal, I explicitly asked the question of the value of the "created at" field to Mike Reynolds and his answer was it would now give the date/time of a "new" lead creation, which is when it becomes known.
Now, I suppose we will not have a very long time before we can test this live