Re: Data Export API

Not applicable

Data Export API

I am looking to have more flexibility in my analysis of email sends by email and/or by person.  Does anyone know if it is possible to create an API to export mass data on a regular basis?  I've read about Bulk Extract, but it seems to have limitations (i.e. max size 500MB; 31 day restriction; etc). I also inquired about Revenue Analytics as it seems to have more powerful querying capabilities, but the price was quite deterrent.

Level 10 - Community Moderator

Re: Data Export API

If your daily volume exceeds 500 MB, you can increase the cap (with more $). Have you actually tried Bulk Extract to gauge your needs?

Not applicable

Re: Data Export API

Does Marketo have a proprietary tool for requesting the bulk extract?  If so, how do I find it?

Level 10 - Community Moderator

Re: Data Export API

There isn't a packaged tool (choose your language and build one yourself!) but the API is well-documented in the dev docs.

Level 2

Re: Data Export API

Hi Sanford,

I stumbled on this and don't know if you are still looking into this or not but in case you are -

Marketo does have their Data Transfer Hub. They would create the extractions through the Bulk Extract API for you and push to an SFTP. There's a cost for it though and it has its limitations. We had looked into that route and then ultimately decided to go with Dell Boomi. Boomi lets you create the connectors / processes you need to extract data from the bulk extract API and push to your desired endpoint. You don't have to have extensive coding knowledge but you do need an understanding of APIs and how they work. The Boomi team was great in getting us started. With Boomi, you pay by endpoint and unlike the Data Transfer Hub, you have complete control and schedule / modify your calls.

Level 10 - Community Moderator

Re: Data Export API

You probably didn't mean to reply to me, but I can say my Boomi experiences have been so bad they still give me night terrors. So can't say I agree with this recommendation.

Level 2

Re: Data Export API

Interesting.  So far our interactions with them have been great. We're also using a consulting team to work with the Boomi processes as well. Boomi has recently updated their out of the box connections to Marketo as well I believe although we're setting up everything using HTTP client connectors. But I'll keep your comments in mind.