HI there, I know this has been a while but I am probably going to be setting up the custom objects for our event. Once someone registers and the custom object populates, I'm still not clear about how the information gets into the Program we have set up. I wasn't sure you could pull register and attended info into smart lists in a program from a custom object.
I wasn't sure you could pull register and attended info into smart lists in a program from a custom object.
Not “from” in the sense of automatically mapping fields, but you can trigger on Added to <Custom Object> with different constraints, then set Program Member Status accordingly.
Thank you Sanford, that's very helpful!
Also: if I'm adding a field to a Custom Object that is not currently a custom field in Marketo, how do I go about capturing that info in a list? (such as "Accomodations needed" for an event)
There’s no inherent connection between Person-level custom fields and CO-level custom fields. That wouldn’t make sense, it’s one-to-one vs. one-to-many!
The only way you can simulate a connection is by using a Smart Campaign to read a field from one of the person’s CO records and write a corresponding field on the Person. Although as noted above, you can’t simply Change Data Value to a token, you need to have choices (“if a CO record exists with Field A⩵ABCDEF and Field B⩵123456, then set person Field C=123456”). In general, there’s something wrong with your architecture if you’re putting together lots of campaigns like this.