Custom Object not showing up in My Tokens Editor

Not applicable

Custom Object not showing up in My Tokens Editor

Hello All,

I'm trying to reference fields in a custom object from an email script. I see some of my custom objects in the list on the right, but not the one I need.

I verified the custom object exists and it's Approved. Is it because it's missing a Link Field? I did not setup the object and It looks like the custom objects I can see have Link Fields and the one I'm trying to access does not.



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Level 10 - Community Moderator

Re: Custom Object not showing up in My Tokens Editor

That's likely it, because VTL executes at the person level there needs to be a link.

Not applicable

Re: Custom Object not showing up in My Tokens Editor

Is it possible to add a Link Field after the Custom Object is published? I assume I would need to repopulate after I create the new link field, but I'm wondering if it is possible.

Also, if I make the Link Field (email) can I have multiple records in the custom object with the same email? That's what it's for correct? Then I can reference it up to 10 records from VS?