I can't seem to find a straightforward answer to this question. When I create a new custom field in SFDC, when will Marketo actually sync and bring in that field so I can filter on a campaign? Is there a way to force sync? I still have old custom fields that I deleted a week ago in Marketo, will they be there permanently? Thanks.
I can't seem to find a straightforward answer to this question. When I create a new custom field in SFDC, when will Marketo actually sync and bring in that field so I can filter on a campaign?
>> It will bring in anything the Marketo sync user sees during the interval sync which is usually 15 unless you had it changed. What object is this custom field built in?
Is there a way to force sync?
>> No, not on the end user side
I still have old custom fields that I deleted a week ago in Marketo, will they be there permanently?
>> Yes
If something didn't sync correctly (like you were creating a field for leads and contacts that Marketo didn't link together) you can call support and they may be able to help.
You can rename the field's "friendly name", but its API name is forever in your DB.
I have admin privileges on marketo btw, although im only properly trained in SFDC.
The custom SFDC field is on the lead, but I've waited probably 15 hours and I don't see it in the "lead attributes" field drop down on a smart list yet.
Any ways I can check whether this is working?
You may have an issue with visibility rules/permissions.
The Marketo SFDC "user" must be able to at least read the field in SFDC to have it sync to Marketo. Make sure that the field-level permissions (or however the spaghetti of SFDC permissions works these days) are set for the Marketo user's profile to see that field.
Is it an issue if my salesforce sync user credentials username does not match the list of marketo users?
No, the sync user is handled in a different way than Marketo app users. Shouldn't be the issue.
Login to SFDC with your Marketo sync user creds and see if you can see the field. If you can see it, this means Marketo should be able to see it too. If you do not see it, this means you need to give the Marketo sync user permission to see the field.
So related to this issue, I tagged certain leads with the SFDC field "marketoemailtag" = True and the field "Marketoemailtypetag" as a picklist "Compliance Email 1". It is about 1k leads under this designation.
I've set the smart list as such in order to send out the emails to these specific leads. However, I'm not able to populate the leads in the smart list status or send out the emails to these specific leads. Do you have any suggestions for a beginner?
What records would you expect to see in this qualified list? If you see 0 qualified records, and you know for sure that at ~1000 records should qualify for this list, go to some of those record's lead details that you believe should qualify and check for the values manually to make sure that they match.