Re: Create a Campaign Triggered off a time

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Create a Campaign Triggered off a time

I'm looking to create a campaign that says "if  x form is submitted after 6 PM, send an email to the customer to notify them that they will be contacted by a sales rep during normal business hours"  I have the flow step in mind to update the field, but I'm having a hard time creating the trigger that works. This is for the time only, not for the date. Any ideas?
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Re: Create a Campaign Triggered off a time

Hey there Amanda,

Can you please tell me between what time and what time people fall under that condition? So.. from 6pm until...?
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Re: Create a Campaign Triggered off a time

Hi Amanda,
If a campaign would change a field to {{system.time}} you would have a field which contains the exact time of a form submit.
After that you could trigger on this field using "starts with" or "contains" filter.

Hope that helped.

Best regards

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Re: Create a Campaign Triggered off a time

@Steffen, thanks! I have a follow up quesition; sine  that token has to write to a text field, how do you create the logic without having tons of 'timestamp contains' about ten times in the smart list?
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Re: Create a Campaign Triggered off a time

Hi Amanda,
depends 😉 Which kind of forms do you need this feature for? If it's a contact form normally people don't submit 2 Forms in less than 5-10 minutes (that's what I expect it to take time) and 1 day later it's okay when the second form overwrites the first value in the database field. And if it's within 5-10minutes you can also use the other timestamp for the first form action without bigger impact.
But yes, that could be a problem.

Best regards
