Re: Core Based Statistical Area or other ways to measure population for lead scoring

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Core Based Statistical Area or other ways to measure population for lead scoring

Does anyone know how to correlate "core based statistical area" into a city's population or density? Trying to use population as part of lead scoring, just having trouble figuring out how.
Level 10 - Champion Alumni

Re: Core Based Statistical Area or other ways to measure population for lead scoring

What sort of data are you pulling into the system? You should be able to do this if you have something like

City Density Score = X

Then Lead Score is +5
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Re: Core Based Statistical Area or other ways to measure population for lead scoring

Thanks Josh. But that's my problem, how to figure out the city density score other than manually assigning one for every single city in the U.S. (impractical). 

We're pulling in a lot of population-defined sources. For example there are U.S. Census "core based statistical divisions" that are a five-digit code for just about anywhere in U.S. But for the life of me I can't find anyway to match that "core based statistical division" to the population. It being a U.S. Census thing.....that's the whole point of it, to have the population. But I'm striking out in every way. 

We also have "standard metropolitan statistical area" (another five-digit code that corrleates to metro areas), "core based statistical area description," which is just spelling out the names of the cities, and so on. 



Level 10 - Champion Alumni

Re: Core Based Statistical Area or other ways to measure population for lead scoring

Whoa that's a weird one.

I've just used major metro in the past and assigned scoring value based on the inferred major metro field. MUCH more of a blunt instrument, i.e., if major metro = {big recognizable cities} then higher score. Sounds like you need to do something a bit more precise though.