Copy Opportunity Constraint Data to a Custom or Standard field

Level 2

Copy Opportunity Constraint Data to a Custom or Standard field



1. I am trying to copy the values from Opportunity Constraint custom fields to a token. But the token does not gets populated with the value. Can anyone help me to guide to copy the values from constraint custom fields to token or any custom or standard field. 


2. I have mapped the Marketo with Facebook business account. The Facebook form capture leads and sends to Marketo.. But there are cerrtain fields in custom activties which do not get stored in any Marketo field. I want to copy the custom activity field values to Marketo fields. Can anyone has tried this before? 


Thanks & Regards

Rajesh Khatri 

Level 10 - Community Moderator

Re: Copy Opportunity Constraint Data to a Custom or Standard field

Hi Rajesh,


You won't be able to move values from Custom Objects to flat lead fields unless you relay the COs through an external process. There are a couple of architectures that work; the one we use most often is sending the CO data in an Alert to another system that parses the email and then loops back into Marketo.


Custom Activities are even harder to do as you need a separate scheduled process to poll the ActLog.


Neither of these are optimal and it's best to design your systems to not require this kind of roundabout update, which can also be very hard on your API limits.

Level 2

Re: Copy Opportunity Constraint Data to a Custom or Standard field

Hi Sanford, 

Thank you for your reply. I understand, if you have replied it cannot be done, then it cannot be 🙂

To tackle this I was watching your API video in Youtube. 

As you have mentioned in your above post that there is way through External Source. Can you PLEASE point me to any such example which I / any one can refer and create its own way. 


Also in your earlier post you mentioned a way through API

Can you point me to any API example to map this, it similiar to this. 


Thanks Sanford, your contribution to Marketo community is incredible and precious. 



Rajesh Khatri