Control permissions of Marketo Sync account

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Control permissions of Marketo Sync account

If we don't want to sync Opportunities between Marketo and Salesforce. Should we still grant CRUD permissions for Marketo Sync account in Salesforce at mentioned here Required Profile Permissions in Salesforce for Mar... - Marketing Nation (

What if we don't grant that permission?

Thank you so much!


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Level 3

Re: Control permissions of Marketo Sync account

Hi @HoaPhan199 , it is unclear if the custom sync filter can be employed to restrict Opportunities from sync in Salesforce-Marketo integrations, as it can for Dynamics-Marketo integrations. (Related: for some reason the sync filter is not even documented for Salesforce integrations in the Marketo Product Docs. ??) If you are interested in using a field to control the sync of Opp records from SFDC to Marketo, ask Marketo Support if it is possible for the Opportunity object. We have seen it used on the Account object.

We have had the experience that all default objects (Lead, Contact, Opportunity, Account) were required to be visible to the Marketo Sync user in order to enable the integration without an error message. But, adjusting the permissions for Opportunities is worth a try. You could set permissions at the Opportunity field level as well, to hide the fields from the sync.

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Level 10 - Community Advisor + Adobe Champion

Re: Control permissions of Marketo Sync account

Yes, you can always grant a subset of the permissions required for the sync user's profile in Salesforce based on your requirement. Marketo can only see/update things the sync user can access. Of course, your ability to do the closed-loop reporting would be limited if Marketo isn't able to see the data from Salesforce, at least, and that's fine as long as your team is fine with that.

Level 3

Re: Control permissions of Marketo Sync account

It was my understanding that the Marketo-SFDC integration required that the Sync User has the typical permissions for the Opportunity object, even if you do not intend to sync opportunities. 

To control the sync of Opportunities, you could employ a custom sync filter field on the records in that object. 

Level 1

Re: Control permissions of Marketo Sync account

Thanks a lot! But, I haven't got your ideas. Do you have any instructions to "employ a custom sync filter field on the records in that object"?

Level 3

Re: Control permissions of Marketo Sync account

Hi @HoaPhan199 , it is unclear if the custom sync filter can be employed to restrict Opportunities from sync in Salesforce-Marketo integrations, as it can for Dynamics-Marketo integrations. (Related: for some reason the sync filter is not even documented for Salesforce integrations in the Marketo Product Docs. ??) If you are interested in using a field to control the sync of Opp records from SFDC to Marketo, ask Marketo Support if it is possible for the Opportunity object. We have seen it used on the Account object.

We have had the experience that all default objects (Lead, Contact, Opportunity, Account) were required to be visible to the Marketo Sync user in order to enable the integration without an error message. But, adjusting the permissions for Opportunities is worth a try. You could set permissions at the Opportunity field level as well, to hide the fields from the sync.