Re: Contacts moving Org - how is activity history tracked ?

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Contacts moving Org - how is activity history tracked ?

I am thinking through this :

If John has been with company xyz and has been using Marketo.When he moves to  a new company ABC,
I want to be able to see his activity history in company xyz yet have a new record created in SFDC for his New company and email.

So when I want to send John an email, I do not send him a Welcome to Marketo email based on his new company but filter based on his activity that he has been a user of Eloqua before.

And even the sales knowing he has used Marketo platform before will have a different conversation.

Has anyone have a process in place for this situation - please share




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Re: Contacts moving Org - how is activity history tracked ?

Not sure that you could do this in any sort of automated fashion (unless you built some custom workflows in sfdc) but I was thinking you could build some custom fields and do this effectively. 

Replace the lead email with the new email address. Add the old email address to a custom field called "Previous Email" for record. Create a checkbox called "Changed Company". Use the changed company field in conjunction with a data value change trigger and build workflows based on this. 

If there is an existing record in Marketo for the new email address you can merge the two records. 

I hope this helps, if not if you can provide more details about your ideal workflow I may be able to help. 

- Jeff
Level 10 - Champion Alumni

Re: Contacts moving Org - how is activity history tracked ?

The big question here is how do you know the person is the same without manual review? someone in Sales would need to check the "Moved Company" box and then you could have those workflows link the record somehow.

There was a thread a year or two ago where there was some desired to do what you want to do here. The consensus was that  a new record was a better idea because you would need the history on the old record, possibly if the contact had a purchase history.

In Marketo, a new lead is created for each new email address. Since he's at a new firm, the sales cycle starts over again.
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Re: Contacts moving Org - how is activity history tracked ?

I agree with creating the new lead under the new email address and company.  However for companies like that posted above could a custom field be created-Previous lead Changed Company be created as a check box-so in circumstances above.  The customer whom is already established does not get treated as though they are a new user?
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Re: Contacts moving Org - how is activity history tracked ?

Well the step I have taken is after every marketing campaign, I run through the Hardbounce list and verify if the contacts have moved company or is it an invalid email address. It is a manual process.

In such a situation when someone moves we need to do workflow in SFDC. So has anyone done anything similar or recommend ?

We want to keep the historical data of the contact record yet create a new record based on new company information and etc.

In this way the conversation for sales a well as marketing can be different and also brings loyalty among contacts for remembering and keep in contact with them even in their new organization yet knowing their Buying and User behaviour of the product & services.

I am looking more into SFDC workflow - I know in SFDC we can copy Activity history but that has limitation of 20 lines only.

Any thoughts ?