Re: Contact records who Saved the date

Not applicable

Contact records who Saved the date

I  can see in my Email Link Performace 60 leads who downloaded the Save the Date.

Now I want to send them an SMS - but I can't find how to get them in a smart list.

All advice gratefully received.

Level 10 - Community Moderator

Re: Contact records who Saved the date

Well, first of all, you're gonna need more than just one Smart Campaign. I assume you're using a webhook-based SMS provider, which means you need (as discussed elsewhere) 2 campaigns:

  1. A batch campaign to select the leads and then use the flow step Request Campaign to call SC 2.
  2. A trigger campaign, triggering on Campaign is Requested, that uses the flow step Call Webhook to send the SMS

Now back to creating the Smart List, i.e. the Smart List for SC1.  If it's based on them clicking a link, that would be either filtering on Clicked Email or Clicked Link, depending on whether the link was right in an email or on an LP.  But be very, very careful (again, as discussed at length elsewhere on the Community) about taking any action based on Clicked Email, since automated mail scanners click emails and you've no guarantee there was a human interaction.

Not applicable

Re: Contact records who Saved the date

Oh - thank you.

The bit about the 2 SC for the sms I was across.

It was realising that after I specified what email I wanted them to have clicked in, that exposed the Add Constraint which included the link (ie Save the Date) that I need.

Hurrah! Job Done.

Many thanks for you taking the time to respond on such a rookie question.