I'm wondering if there is a way to compare two lists to see if there are people from the same domain on both. The situation is that when we send out an email blast, I don't want to blast the same small company two days in a row, I'd rather stagger them. But as far as I can tell, there is no way to compare things based on domain or company name unless I made a big list of domain names and put them into a smart list filter.
I think that is the approach - run a list using Ends With or CONTAINS "@mydomain.com", then sort it and decide how to break up the list. Random sample might help, but there's a chance it'll bring in several leads from the same firm.
I know someone asked a similar question a few months ago. Try searching the community.
Emily, in your smart list step for your campaign - bring in the following filters:
Member of List (pick both lists) Email address contains: (the domain name) Was not sent email: (whatever the name of the email was) and add a constraint that says in the last 2 days
Thanks guys! I'm looking to check against ALL the domains on one list against ALL the domains on another, so I the ends with or contains functions will only work if I made a list of all the domains from one list manually.
Elliott - I thought communication limits only applied to individuals, not companies. Do I have that wrong?
Communication Limits do apply to individuals, not companies, but your emails are to individuals, not companies, so it can effectively prevent people (at the same company or not) from receiving more than x emails per day or x emails per week.