Re: Communication limits: Viewing leads & setting restrictions

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Communication limits: Viewing leads & setting restrictions

Hi all,

1. Is there a way to view all the leads that have hit communication limits within the past X number of days/months?  I was trying to see if you could create a smart list with some criteria to do this, but I couldn't figure out a way to do so. As far as I know, the only way to see if a lead has hit communication limits is through their activity history. However, I would like to have a smart list running that would allow us to see if folks are hitting communication limits more, so we know that we have been attempting to hit similar lists within a certain amount of time.

2. Second related question. Is there a way to set a number of internal people to not hit communication limits at all? I know that we could just make "each lead go through the flow every time", but it would really help if we could set our internal seed list to not hit those so we do not have to change our communication options for them per smart campaign.

Thanks for your help!
Shreha Jain

Advent Software

Level 6

Re: Communication limits: Viewing leads & setting restrictions

Hi Shreha,

1) If you need to identify how many leads were did not qualified to receive email due to communication limit, you can create a smart list say - Member of Send Email campaign AND Email was not Sent. This way you would at-least know the records that needs to be re-targeted. I don't think there is a way to identify leads that got stuck because of Communication limit. Here' link to document for your reference Apply Communication Limits to Smart Campaign - Marketo Docs - Product Docs

2) To avoid any internal lead to qualify for campaign, use smart list parameters say - Email Address NOT CONTAINS ""



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Re: Communication limits: Viewing leads & setting restrictions

Hi Priyank,

Thanks for your reply. However, for #2, I was wondering if there was a way for us to set some internal people to never hit communication limits, for testing and QA purposes. Just a clarification for others.


Level 6

Re: Communication limits: Viewing leads & setting restrictions

Hi Shreha,

  • For your QA process I think you should create an independent campaign so that they do not hit the communication limit which is set at campaign level.
  • From actual send campaign you should also exclude internal resources using their email domain or can hold global exclude smart lists.

