Code Showing on Landing Page in some broswers

Level 2

Code Showing on Landing Page in some broswers

I have a landing page that is supposed to show the mailing address of the viewer using tokens. When the information isn't in their profile, it is supposed to show Not Available for that token. It works perfectly in  FireFox 24 but only that broswer version....not in FireFox23.0.1 or Safar 5.1.7 or Google Chrome 30.  Below is the code. Not sure how to fix this without just starting over and not using tokens but a form to display the fields. Any thoughts?? Thanks!

{{lead.Full Name:default=Not Available}}

{{company.Company Name:default=Not Available}}

{{company.Billing Address:default=Not Available}}
{{lead.Billing Address Line 2:default=edit me}}

{{lead.Billing Address Line 3:default=edit me}}

{{company.Billing City:default=Not Available}}, {{company.Billing State:default=Not Available}}  {{company.Billing Postal Code:default=Not Available}}
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Re: Code Showing on Landing Page in some broswers

The tokens would work nicely on emails. Standard Marketo Landing Pages would not render those tokens.

The simplest soltuions are:
1. if users are reaching the landing pages from email
Pass tokens such as {{lead.Full Name:default=Not Available}} through URL parameters
e.g.{{lead.Full Name:default=Not Available}}&company_name={{company.Company Name:default=Not Available}}

Add a JavaScript to the landing page to read the URL parameters and pre-populate the fields.

2. if users are reaching the landing pages from web navigation
Use SOAP API getLead and use Cookie ID as LeadKey, then pre-populate the field from XML response.