Remove Test Members to the Results of the campaign

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Remove Test Members to the Results of the campaign


Is there a way that we can remove the Test Campaign Members to the actual results of the our Lead Performance Report? Also, do you have a suggestion or best practices that can help us eliminate this kind of problems. Thanks!
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Re: Remove Test Members to the Results of the campaign

I'd suggest going into the Smart List tab of your report and adding a filter: Email Address not contains [your test domain here].

This is how we do it. Ideally all your test leads' email addresses would be under one domain so that you can exclude them all in one go 🙂

Hope that helps!
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Re: Remove Test Members to the Results of the campaign

I've had the same problem and question.  The only solution I've been able to find is to create a smart list and filter them out.  But all results show up in the results -- including tests.
