Ah, I think now we are getting to the answer. Firstly to be absolutely specific:
Smart list: Was Sent Email
Email is [all 3 invitation emails]
in past 30 days (all were sent in the past 10 days actually)
The flow step is
Change Program Status
Choice1: If Program Status is not (3) Webinar>Invited; Webinar> Registered; Webinar> Registration Error
Program: [the correct program] New Status: Webinar>Invited
- Results tab shows that all leads skipped this choice. Default step was nothing. Results:
'Do Nothing' was set for this choice, 26419 leads skipped
Number of Leads Skipped::
Now for the registers, this is the activity log:

Hope you can zoom this sufficiently to see that although they were not set to Invited at any stage, they go from Invited to Registered. The status that is set is for the child Email program "Webinar 04/15: A First Look at Facebook Topic Data.Invitation 1".
Stop press on this is that when I set the status via a manual flow step (selecting all the leads from the list and doing a Change Program Status), it has worked. And it has gone from Old Status:Not in Program to New Status:
So, it looks like my Flow step, as Amanda said, should have been Not In Program.
I guess saying "Program Status is not" does not include those who are [Not in Program].Thanks for the help here.