Hi Josh,
Thanks for the response.
I've seen a couple of problems with what you've proposed from past experiences (and these are the small things that have been doing our heads in as well):
1. Companies want to measure the ROI on particular channels like paid display, search, social media, etc. How are they supposed to do this without having a program associated to them? With a cost? From a Marketo standpoint if I wanted to track my budget for a particular initiative and it was broken down into those channels (Search, Display, Social Media, and the actual Event cost itself) wouldn't I need programs for each?
To answer the question How Many Leads came in from Social vs. Search vs. Display, etc. etc.
While I understand your idea of Lead Sources, this is typically used for other purposes on clients and only refers to where the Lead is Sourced from, but what about those pre-existing individuals who may have come in from elsewhere and already have a Lead Source? We can't override Lead Source.
We use custom fields to track the parameters traditionally, but again these are one to one with the record like Lead Source. Don't we have to have a one to many relationship as someone may be associated with Paid Display today, but Social Media or Search tomorrow with a different campaign.
2. Not to pile on to the above, but then when it comes to the SFDC Campaign - which looks to be outlined as a Parent/Child relationship, that actually seems on the right track for me. Everything rolls up, but why wouldn't this be setup like that in Marketo?
ha...and as a bonus question...If you're looking at Campaign Influence on that opp...which campaign gets it?
Thanks for the help...appreciate your insights.
I see this thread became more active and I never responded to you (sorry!).
So if you were to do this:
SFDC Parent Campaign Webinar (roll up data only)
-Webinar 0 - registration Program/ attributed to webinar activity itself
-Channel 1
-Channel 2
-Channel 3
-Channel 4
Then inside Marketo, you'd have:
Webinar X Campaign FOLDER (so you can roll up data here)
-Master Webinar Registration
--Channel 1 Program = SFDC Channel 1
--Channel 2 Program = SFDC Channel 2
--Channel 3 Program = SFDC Channel 3
--Channel 4 Program = SFDC Channel 4
Where each program has its own landing page and member status, but then Requests Campaign IS "Master Webinar Registration.Registration Flow" so the lead is registered to the single webinar.
Each program and SFDC Campaign is assigned a Budget and Period Cost.
So now you have an issue where 5 SFDC Campaigns & Programs influence or are possible attributed to an Opp. In Marketo RCA, that shouldn't be a big deal, but in SFDC it is a big deal, so you just have to choose.
You can also decide if you want to Deactivate the 4 child campaigns right after the webinar closes so they are less likely to become attached to Primary Campaign Source or something. I'm not too familiar with how well this works, but it's something I've been considering.