Hey Everyone!
Is it possible to to change out text after a certain amount of time have passed?
Send Email / text1
Wait 2 weeks
Send Email / text2
I'm trying to cut out having so many emails and tokens.
Hi Derek,
While you can't necessarily do something like "after X time, then do this," if you know these are going to be static, timed sends you can at least say "if Oct. 25, 2016 11:15:30 AM has passed, then display text2" to achieve the effect.
Alternately, you could put a datestamp field on the record that receives the first email and then just do a date comparison in the script to say "if more than two weeks after whateverDate then display text2"
Thank you Courtney!
I'm going to try the second option and see what comes from it. I'll let you know if it works out.
Two emails is the easiest, most secure way. If you want a script you're adding a token. Just make a clone of the email.
As a Best Practice, if this is a truly email only campaign you're best off creating two different campaigns. I know that seems all sorts of complicated but you're sending a different message on a different date.
If this is for an invitation, multiple emails is the way to go. It'd be nice if we could step and save ourselves some hassle, but Marketo hasn't released that yet.
Thanks Rob! I just voted for the subject line!