Re: Changing Engagement Programs?

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Level 2

Changing Engagement Programs?

Hi all, would really appreciate some advice on the following:

We currently have 3 industry-specific engagement programs running in Marketo. We have also created 3 additional engagement programs for our sales team that are product-specific - to add leads to when they are at the appropriate stage. All campaigns are Sales Available.

We do not want any lead to be in more than one engagement program at any given time, so when the sales team add a lead to a product-specific nurture, we want them removed from any other engagement campaign they are in.

What is the most simple way to do this?

There doesn't seem to be a flow step as simple as "Remove from Engagement Program". I considered "Change Program Status" to "Not in Program" - but would this just change their status rather than actually remove them? I also considered removing them from the Smart List with which they were initally added to the first campaign - but again, would this remove them from the cycle?

I'm sure I'm probably over-thinking this and there is a very simple way around it! Any thoughts would be appreciated!
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Level 10 - Champion Alumni

Re: Changing Engagement Programs?

You can try to Pause the lead using Change Engagement Program Cadence.
If you Remove the lead from the Program, the data they've collected will be lost from that Engagement.

You could create a Traffic Cop campaign that lives outside of the Engagements. It listens for additions and only approves additions if it also removes the lead from other Engagements. I'd have to tinker with that for a bit to get it working. Something like this:

-Add to Engagement also Adds to List for that Engagement.
-Traffic Cop says "If Added to Engagement AND also in active in any other engagement, then Pause other Engagements (use Member of List as Choices"

or something like that.

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Level 10 - Champion Alumni

Re: Changing Engagement Programs?

You can try to Pause the lead using Change Engagement Program Cadence.
If you Remove the lead from the Program, the data they've collected will be lost from that Engagement.

You could create a Traffic Cop campaign that lives outside of the Engagements. It listens for additions and only approves additions if it also removes the lead from other Engagements. I'd have to tinker with that for a bit to get it working. Something like this:

-Add to Engagement also Adds to List for that Engagement.
-Traffic Cop says "If Added to Engagement AND also in active in any other engagement, then Pause other Engagements (use Member of List as Choices"

or something like that.

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Re: Changing Engagement Programs?

Another idea is to use segmentation to control the engagement program.  By definitiion, a lead can only be in one segment in a segmentation.  So you can enforce this by creating a segmentation for the different nurture programs, prioritizing them, and then using a smart campaign to move people into the different engagements based on their segmentation qualification.
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Re: Changing Engagement Programs?

Cheryl, to do you mean like this example

Segments by Title
Segment 1 - CSuite
Segment 2 - Director
Segment 3 - Manager
Default - everyone else

And then create a smart campaign like this

[Smart List] If segment changes to "Director"
[Flow] Change Engagement Program Stream to "Director Engagement Program"

If they had been in the Manager segment, and thus the "Manager Engagement Program" previously, how will this remove them from that program?

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Re: Changing Engagement Programs?

Cheryl C - I am still seeking your feedback for this question. Thanks!
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Re: Changing Engagement Programs?

yes this is correct, however, the movement into the new segment does not remove them from the previous program.  You would need to also "pause" the lead in the program.
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Re: Changing Engagement Programs?

Thank you. Yes, that is what I suspected. How do I pause them in the program? I understand that I could add the flow step of "change engagement program cadence" and then select the program and pause. However when I have previously done this, if a lead was not already in a program, I found it added them and then paused them. 

How would you suggest setting up this flow step?
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Re: Changing Engagement Programs?

Curious to hear if anyone has suggestions for pausing leads if they are in another engagement program but not unnecessarily adding/pausing people to nurture programs. I'm sure there's a way to write this flow that I  am just not thinking through properly.
Not applicable

Re: Changing Engagement Programs?

I think you can try to Pause the lead using Change Engagement Program Cadence.

If you Remove the lead from the Program, the data they've collected will be lost from that Engagement.

Hope this helps

Level 2

Re: Changing Engagement Programs?

Thanks for this Julian, it's really helpful!