Hi all, would really appreciate some advice on the following:
We currently have 3 industry-specific engagement programs running in Marketo. We have also created 3 additional engagement programs for our sales team that are product-specific - to add leads to when they are at the appropriate stage. All campaigns are Sales Available.
We do not want any lead to be in more than one engagement program at any given time, so when the sales team add a lead to a product-specific nurture, we want them removed from any other engagement campaign they are in.
What is the most simple way to do this?
There doesn't seem to be a flow step as simple as "Remove from Engagement Program". I considered "Change Program Status" to "Not in Program" - but would this just change their status rather than actually remove them? I also considered removing them from the Smart List with which they were initally added to the first campaign - but again, would this remove them from the cycle?
I'm sure I'm probably over-thinking this and there is a very simple way around it! Any thoughts would be appreciated!