Re: Change Score Flow vs. Change Data Value - Lead Score

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Change Score Flow vs. Change Data Value - Lead Score

Is it the same data you are changing when in the flow step you may use 'Change Score' or use 'Change Data Value - Lead Score'? I am asking because within my lead scoring programs, I need to use the change data value because the Lead Score does not enable you to 'reset' someone to a 0 which is what I need to do. With Change Score, you can only change by + or -, you cant change to 100 or 0. 

On the other hand I do need to change the score + or - for things like job title, industry, etc. So are these the same values being changed regardless of what flow step I choose?

Thanks in advance for your help!

*Sidenote: weird there is no Lead Scoring category!
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Level 10 - Champion Alumni

Re: Change Score Flow vs. Change Data Value - Lead Score

Hi Christina,

For resetting our lead scores, we use a change score to =0.   When you use the change score, you can add ( + ) or subtract ( - ) from the current score value,  or set equal to ( = ) whatever value you choose. 

Some documentation can be found here:
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Re: Change Score Flow vs. Change Data Value - Lead Score

Ok so you use the Change Score flow step everytime. 

What about ensuring it does not go over 100? What would the logic look like for something like:

- If job title includes Vp, add +5 to lead score but not if that puts lead score over 100

I could say only run if score is 95 or less. But if score is 98, I want it to max them to 100. Maybe this is not possible?

I want to stay within 0-100. We had a Marketo services person set this up before and we had -300 all the way to 10,345. Scores are so wacky that sales cant make sense of them (me neither for that matter). I just dont want that to happen again
Level 10 - Champion Alumni

Re: Change Score Flow vs. Change Data Value - Lead Score

If you want to prevent leads from scoring over 100 on a key job title, I would set up the campaign as follows:

Smart List
Job Title changes to Key Job Title
Score less than 100

If Score is 95, 96, 97, 98, 99  -  Do Nothing
All else - Change Score +5
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Re: Change Score Flow vs. Change Data Value - Lead Score

I haven't done this myself, but what if you had a separate rule that said "if score > 100, then score = 100"?

That should keep the scores at 100 though it's not in real-time: some scores would momentarily go above 100, and then would be immediately reset to 100.
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Re: Change Score Flow vs. Change Data Value - Lead Score

That's a great idea. So setup an SC that runs daily to make sure we stay in the 0-100 range. Cool! Thanks
Level 10 - Champion Alumni

Re: Change Score Flow vs. Change Data Value - Lead Score

Yes all of those will work.

Also remember that you CAN use Change Data Value most of the time for special situation, such as when I want to use a token to overwrite the value when I do

Lead Score - Demographic Score = Behavior Score (but in the Lead Score)

Change Data Value on Lead Score = {{lead.Behavior Score}}
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Re: Change Score Flow vs. Change Data Value - Lead Score

Ok I dont break out demo vs. behavior since it all rolls into 1 field in Salesforce so didnt see the need to give myself extra work :0 So either one I update, will be for the same field, lead score roll-up which is good to know!

Just discovered from support too that anonymous leads run through trigger campaigns (like lead score) but dont run through batch campaigns. So I have a bunch of anonymous leads with the old scoring and they are merging to known leads all the time and taking the scoring with them. And I cant reset to 0 since they dont qualify for a batch update. Any ideas on handling this mess?
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Re: Change Score Flow vs. Change Data Value - Lead Score

Related question/issue:

I let this run last night and the SC's worked as planned. However, leads got scored to a 5 (for example) which qualified them to push to SFDC but then ran through an SC for inactivity that pushed them back to 0. But by that time, they were already in Salesforce. How would the logic work to prevent this? 

I need leads to run through all my lead score programs BEFORE Marketo decides if they qualify to be pushed to SFDC. The sync is off a trigger since you cant have a schedule for every hour (which would be awesome btw and solve this whole problem).