Re: Case: Marketo loading latency causes SFDC instance latency

Not applicable

Case: Marketo loading latency causes SFDC instance latency

Hi, I would like to open a case. It appears that Marketo is slowing our SFDC instance down - here is the communication with SFDC:

Case Comments:

Connection User  12/07/2015 11:47:30 AM MST

Hello Eli,

I wanted to reach out to you and let you know that we have been getting cases from multiple customers that experience latency with an installed package: Marketo. I see your organization also has this package and run-times in our logs show it to take around a minute to load (therefore causing subsequent pages to load in over a minute as well).

Can you please create a test Page Layout from a clone of an existing layout and remove Marketo, then test for improved performance?

If performance does improve, please reach out to Marketo for further assistance. Also, feel free to let me know of any questions or updates on this issue as well.

I will be looking forward to your response.

Thank you.


Konstantin Moskalenko

Success Agent II

Salesforce | 866.614.7375

Office Hours M-F 6am-3pm (13:00-22:00 UTC)

Case Comments:

Eli Kiedrowski  12/07/2015 11:53:31 AM MST

Hi Konstantin,

This seems to improve performance - I will reach out to Marketo.

Level 10

Re: Case: Marketo loading latency causes SFDC instance latency

Hello Eli Kiedrowski​,

I'm sorry that you're having trouble with your Marketo instance. We have just recently started receiving reports from a few customers that are having similar issues with their SFDC having slowness problems. I recommend opening a case with Marketo Support directly so that they can keep you informed of up to date information as the situation evolves. Contact Marketo Support

Our Engineering team is working on this issue as a critical problem and will have a resolution soon.

Not applicable

Re: Case: Marketo loading latency causes SFDC instance latency

We are experiencing the same issues and based on the reply back from Marketo they are aware of the issue and working on some resolution.

"Hi Josh,
Thanks for your feedback.
I have discovered there is an known issue involving SFDC and Sales Insight.

Our Engineering team is currently attempting to resolve the issue.
I will update the ticket once I receive additional feedback from the team."

Level 10

Re: Case: Marketo loading latency causes SFDC instance latency

Hello! This issue has been resolved and you should have no more troubles at all with this. If you do experience any issue, please contact Marketo Support ​right away. Thank you!

Not applicable

Re: Case: Marketo loading latency causes SFDC instance latency

Any rationale as to why it happened in the first place?

Level 10

Re: Case: Marketo loading latency causes SFDC instance latency

I don't have a specific technical description, but the short version is that there was a problem with a back end release that went out. Unfortunately it caused some conflicts in a few different places and this was one of them. Our Engineering team has been able to get them all resolved now.

Not applicable

Re: Case: Marketo loading latency causes SFDC instance latency

Thank you