Can two workspaces have a same preference center?
Yes, but why don’t you explain the business requirement you’re trying to meet here?
*I have inherited an instance with various workspaces and was trying to understand the process they are using for their preference center.
IF yes, is it possible to say that the partitions for the workspace sharing preference center should also be same or can it be different?
The partitions won't necessarily be the same.
Understood, thank you!
In theory, yes. The items listed below are sharable across separate Workspaces. Provided your preference center doesn't require any items that aren't among this list, there is no reason other Workspaces could not access it.
Email Templates
Landing page templates
Smart campaigns
Smart Lists
@Ishita_Chawra A couple more points to check:
Does your preference centre include global opt-in/out and Unsubscribe link included in all emails?
If you are dealing with EU data if your Pref Centre GDPR compliant?