Re: Can we add a reminder to the ICS file?

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Can we add a reminder to the ICS file?

We have been using the ICS file but is ther e a way to add a reminder in that file? So say 15 minutes out a reminder pops up?
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Re: Can we add a reminder to the ICS file?

This is currently an enhancement and not supported today.  However, if the person adding the calendar file has their default set to 15 minutes, it will pick that up. 
Not applicable

Re: Can we add a reminder to the ICS file?

Cheryl -- Is this "enhancement" supported today?

Anybody -- If not, is there anyway to achieve the same idea using some sort of roundabout method??

Level 3

Re: Can we add a reminder to the ICS file?

Has this been updated yet or is it still not available? 
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Re: Can we add a reminder to the ICS file?

Hi everyone,

18 months later and this still hasn't been implemented?!??!!!

Plus I am afraid the suggestion that "If people have their calendar defaults set to 15 min, the meeting will pick this up" isn't helpful. I personally have my calendar defaults set to 15 min (ie every meeting I add to my calendar has a reminder bleeping 15 min beforehand), yet it didn't pick this up when I saved the ics file.

Please pretty please do add product engineers on this, it is a crucial and much needed enhancement.



Level 10 - Community Moderator

Re: Can we add a reminder to the ICS file?

Dustin Russell​​ Sophie Carroz​ check out, which also supports Google Calendar. It's a superset of Marketo ICS files (and totally free BTW). You build the links manually, but they can do just about everything calendaring apps support.