Re: Can the API name of a field be edited?

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Can the API name of a field be edited?

Can the API name of a field be edited?

If yes, GREAT!  How?

If no, is the alternative to delete field and create new field?  If this is the case, what if this field is used in a multitude of times across different smart capaigns?  The only way I can think of accomplishing this is to create the new field with the correct API name and then manually go into every scenario where it is being used.  Re-create the criteria (Smart List/Flow steps) that uses this field, then delete the step that uses the old field.  I hope this is not the case.
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Re: Can the API name of a field be edited?

I am afraid you can rename the Friendly Label, not the API name.
Support can remap a SFDC Field from one attribute to another.
That can simplify the process you correctly described.
Not applicable

Re: Can the API name of a field be edited?

What about not re-naming it but instead re-casing it?  Currently I have an API field name that is mixed case but we have built an extensive backend process that requires the API field name to be all lowercase.  I've tried to hide the old field and create a new field, but Marketo won't let me because it sees it as a duplicate.

Please advise.