View URLs clicked

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View URLs clicked

I need a report that shows both who clicked and then what they clicked on.  Right now, I can see who clicks, but then need to drill down to get the information about which link they clicked. What am I missing?

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Re: View URLs clicked

Are you trying to see who clicked on a specific page and from there, which link they clicked on?
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Re: View URLs clicked

I'm trying to see who clicked on a link in the email and which link they clicked?
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Re: View URLs clicked

Is this for a specific campaign you are running or for anyone who clicks a page period? Are you looking for the first or last page they clicked?
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Re: View URLs clicked

Hi Deb,

You can pull a smart list with the filter for 'Clicked Link in Email' and then add a constraint for the exact link in the email.

Unfortunately, you have to pull the report link by link to see the actual individuals who clicked that link.

Hope this helps.
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Re: View URLs clicked

What I would do is:

First pull the number of links clicked in the certain email.
  • Pull a report in Analytics called "Email Link Performance" and in the setup tab designate the amount of time you want to pull the data from. Then choose "Marketing Activities Email" from the filter and choose the email you're trying to pull the report.
  • After you have that report you will need to pull a smart list, like Michelle F said, with the fliter "clicked Link in Email" and designate each link to show who clicked on what.
Hope this helps.
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Re: View URLs clicked

When I pull the Email Link Performance with the email names, and set-up the clicked link in email, my report shows up that no one clicked BUT when I go to the email performance report and set up those same email names, it tells me that there were 170 clicks on my links.
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Re: View URLs clicked

Hi Deb,

Make sure the date of activity is setup for the time period your email went out for the Email Link Performance report.