Can I export an email as a PDF?

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Can I export an email as a PDF?

I build an email in Marketo to support an event with a partner company. Their marketing department wants a PDF version so they can email to their prospective customer base. Is there any way to do this?

I tried to download the HTML and then print to PrimoPDF but the email spreads to 2 pages, and I can't adjust the page settings to get the content to stay together.

Any ideas?
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Level 8

Re: Can I export an email as a PDF?

I utilize the screenshot approach for this often. But if you have the ability to create in a word document, you can resave that as a PDF which may have better resolution than a screenshot.

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Re: Can I export an email as a PDF?

Perhaps you could take a screenshot of your HTML email, resize in a photo editor so it fits on a single page, and print that to PDF. 

However, I have to wonder why your partner company is going to email a PDF version of what was originally an HTML email. Are they unable/unwilling to send the HTML email in it's original format? 

If they want to control the email they send and just have an attachment from you with the details, then it may be better to design a PDF info sheet that is intended for that format vs. fitting the HTML email (square peg) into the PDF attachment (round hole). 

I know these things can get tricky with partners and their requirements but just an alternative to consider! 
Level 8

Re: Can I export an email as a PDF?

I utilize the screenshot approach for this often. But if you have the ability to create in a word document, you can resave that as a PDF which may have better resolution than a screenshot.
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Re: Can I export an email as a PDF?

Thanks both of you - I'll see if I can figure this out with Word, at least then I can keep the hyperlinking functionality.
Level 10 - Community Moderator

Re: Can I export an email as a PDF?

My advice: don't fall back to a screenshot.  Using Google Chrome's built-in PDF printer, you get a real PDF (not just a static image wrapped in a PDF) with selectable text and even working hyperlinks:
  • In Marketo, go to Preview Email
  • Under Preview Actions, choose Show Full Screen
  • Click Print, choose Save as PDF
Level 1

Re: Can I export an email as a PDF?

What if I don't have "show full screen" under Preview Actions?