I'm especially curious about the Assign To clause but I can't find any documentation on this filter.
Any NOT filter will return the leads who do NOT match the condition. Examples:
The super geeks here could say that if the Lead was already synced, but for some reason did not have an log entry with "Synced to SFDC" that the Not Was Synced might return people who really are synced. Pretty sure that this would NOT be the case in reality.
Thanks Josh. That much I had figured out but I'm not sure what to use for the "Assign To" when I don't care who it is assigned to. I just want to select the ones that didn't get synced. I'm using Assign To is not empty but I'm not sure if that will catch all unsynced records and there is no "is any" choice.
Hi Sharon,
In fact, This filter will give the list of person that Marketo did not attempt to sync, usually for a period of time. If an attempt was made but failed, the "Not was synced" filter will not return them.
As Josh points out, better to combine with "SFDC type is empty" or "SFDC Type is not empty" to get what you are looking for.
A few ideas have been written on how this should be improved. Start here and vote
Thanks to you both. I appreciate the time. I'm just sorry the answers weren't what I was hoping for
I wanted this campaign to specifically catch those people where the sync failed and retry them. I know Marketo does a certain number of retries but retrying about 12 hours later usually resolves almost all our sync failures. I just hate having to do it manually.
Grégoire, I'll definitely look at your suggestion.
Thanks again!
Hi Sharon,
Catching sync failure is not really possible for the moment... Hence the ideas