I just came across the trigger "Campaign is Requested". However, the article does not really explain when and for what to use e.g. "Campaign is Requested - Source is Marketo Flow Action".
Can anybody explain it to me giving an example?
Good question. I use the "Campaign is Requested" trigger for a variety of reasons and you will notice you can either use them from Marketo Sales Insight, the API, or a Marketo flow action. For example, for Sales Insight, you can have a Sales person request to add a prospect to a certain nurture program. They would "add to Marketo campaign" from the CRM side. This would then trigger the smart campaign in Marketo and the smart campaign's flow could be to add that prospect to a specific nurture program.
Another example is when you want to run people through a Marketo flow but do not necessarily want to define the smart list. You can also "daisy chain" smart campaigns together to ensure that people have completed the flow actions of a certain flow before entering another smart campaign.
you also need this to run a batch using a webhook where you do
Campaign 1: batch run that does Request Campaign: Campaign 2
Campaign 2: Campaign is Requested : Webhook
Hi Christine,
The "Campaign is Requested" is for very granular flows in your campaigns. For example, we used it for one of our web forms because depending on the lead's topic criteria and state, the alert should be sent to a different email. In this case, we couldn't say If 'Topic' is 'Example' and State is 'CA,OR,WA' then email/send to 'name@email.com.' Therefore, we created another campaign and added "Request Campaign" in the flow if they select that 'particular 'Topic.' The other campaign sent the alert based on the granular criteria of state.
Request Campaign
If Topic is 'EXAMPLE'
Request Campaign 'WF 2017 EXAMPLE'
Send Alert
Email: WF 2017 EXAMPLE Send To: None
To Other Emails: name@email.com
Email: WF 2017 EXAMPLE Send To: None
To Other Emails: name2@email.com
Campaign is Requested
Source is Marketo Flow Action
Send Alert
If State is CA
Email: WF 2017 EXAMPLE Send To: None
To Other Email: name3@email.com
If State is OR
Email: WF 2017 EXAMPLE Send To: None
To Other Email: name4@email.com
If State is WA
Email: WF 2017 EXAMPLE Send To: None
To Other Email: name5@email.com
I hope this helps!