Hi! I'm looking at one of my calendar entry that I'd like to edit and I can't. It says Read-only at the top. How can I write an entry? I'm the Marketo Admin...
In regards to moving times you send emails, adding items, and everything in between, you have to do this at the program calendar level. Super admin or not it's what we all have to do 🙂
Have you confirmed that there is rules, approved assets, and a confirmed date and time? It seems that bit of information in that article before the Confirmed screenshot could potentially be a list of items that need to be in place before you are able to use the slider to activate.
@Val - Confirming a tentative entry via the program schedule view follows the same validations we normally follow when you schedule a campaign run or approve an Email Blast program.
Thank you all. I have 3 tiles of my email program with green checkmarks. The only missing is the program approval. Since I want to put a tentative date to this program should I approve this tile as well?