I have been having some success with the Bulk API extracting leads up to this point, I can create/queue/extract (some) jobs. However, recently I have consistently been getting the "System Error" error message with no other details. Is there anything that I can do to try to resolve this?
Is it a with a 611 code error message? If so, you should open a Support ticket. You shouldn't be receiving those.
No the code that I am getting is a 200 response status code, which is also what has me really confused.
<Response [200]>
{"requestId":"<ID>","result":[{"exportId":"<ID>","format":"CSV","status":"Failed","createdAt":"2017-06-21T15:23:53Z","queuedAt":"2017-06-21T15:23:53Z","startedAt":"2017-06-21T15:24:35Z","finishedAt":"2017-06-21T15:24:52Z","errorMsg":"System Error"}],"success":true}
Hm, you should still make a ticket for it. That exception is not being handled correctly.
I am having this issue as well, please let me know if you discover a resolution.
Got a response on my support ticket. Apparently there is a bug with the Marketo API that should be fixed at some point tonight and should be working better tomorrow. You might want to open up a ticket as well in case your problem is in any way different.
Thanks for replying Dan, I'll try again tomorrow and post here if resolved.
No dice for me, still getting the system error even after the patch was applied. I just responded on my ticket to see what else might be causing the issue.
Any luck for you?
I'm still getting the error too. I'm going to open up a support ticket.
I can confirm we are investigating it. I'm able to reproduce as well.