Block Field Updates Only When Field Has a Value

Level 3

Block Field Updates Only When Field Has a Value

If I block field updates from form fillouts for a specific field, but a new lead fills out the form, will it still capture that information and sync it to Salesforce? Basically, I want a particular field (Address) to fill in if it is empty or a new lead, but not overwrite data that already exists in that field.

I can't find any information on how Block Field Updates works, so any info is appreciated.


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Level 10 - Champion Alumni

Re: Block Field Updates Only When Field Has a Value

Yes - if there was no value previously for that field, it will populate with whatever is entered into the form.

More info here - Block Updates to a Field - Marketo Docs - Product Docs

Not applicable

Re: Block Field Updates Only When Field Has a Value

Does this work for checkbox type fields as well? For example, if the field is not checked, does that count as 'blank', and therefore blocking field updates will only allow people to check the box (and not uncheck it?)

Thanks so much,

Level 10 - Champion Alumni

Re: Block Field Updates Only When Field Has a Value

Block field updates does not work for boolean checkboxes since an unchecked value has a value of "False".  IMO, if the field has never been checked, the value should be NULL; and therefore block field updates should only come into play if that checkbox is checked (value of "true").  So currently there is no way to block field updates on boolean fields.

Level 10

Re: Block Field Updates Only When Field Has a Value

Hey Jill, like Dan mentioned there is no blocking of a boolean field. To solve for this, we create a second (form value) checkbox and only change the value of the first (master) checkbox if the form one is changed to true. As a real world example, we have a newsletter that we offer to people when they fill out a form -- but we don't want to unsubscribe someone from it if they are already on the list and they don't check the box. Our form has a boolean field that we call newsletter form, and when that is true we change our real newsletter boolean field to true, and when it's false it doesn't change the value of our true newsletter field. Hope this helps for ideas of how to block field updates of a boolean field.

Level 10 - Champion Alumni

Re: Block Field Updates Only When Field Has a Value

Issue appears to have been fixed?

Blocking field Updates - Deep Dive