Block Field Update Best Practices

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Block Field Update Best Practices

I know the answer in many cases is "it depends", but I am curious about any common best practices for blocking field updates. I just uploaded a list of leads from a tradeshow and noticed the first/last name in some cases were updated to values I wish they weren't. After doing some reading, I discovered the concept of blocking field updates. What do some of you recommend?

Our sitaution is...
  • We use Marketo + Salesforce
  • Day to day, our leads/contacts are being mostly updated in Salesforce. Especially ones tied to Opportunities.
  • We get new/updated leads into Marketo for (primarily) Webinars, Contact Us forms and CSV imports from tradeshow lists
Any guidance is appreciated. It feels like it'd be good to block updates to firstname, lastname, company name and maybe leadsource. Thoughts?
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Level 10 - Champion Alumni

Re: Block Field Update Best Practices

I block the following fields
  • Lead Source (or other FT attribution fields)
  • Phone
  • Address
  • Country
  • Fax
Generally, I block fields that Sales has better info on or wouldn't want reset to some bogus info their client uses to get whitepapers. Not totally foolproof though.

As for Fname/lname, you could block this on imports to be safer.
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Re: Block Field Update Best Practices


How exactly would you block these fields - i.e. Phone number?

We are trying to block syncing an update to phone number in Marketo to Salesforce (through form submission). Is this possible?
